Brugmansia Sam


Sam on a warm sunny day in the Greenhouse area.

Brugmansia Sam on a slightly warming day this end of March 2013

Another shot of Brugmansia Sam same day

Brugmansia cultivar Sam is a double bloomer with outstanding color. Depending upon temperatures, the color can range from peach to pink, deep pink

Angel Trumpet Sam is a cross of Klein Lady X Ecuador Pink X Rothkirch. Created by Ludger Schneider, published in 2006.

Angels trumpet Sam is excellent for hybridyzing purposes. Sam is also one of the larger brugmansias, easily attaining heights of 20 feet if fertilized and water properly.

Angel Trumpet Sam has a leathery feeling leaf, that is a bit more oblong than wide, and bright to dark green. There is a slight tooth to the edge.

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